When is the last day to enroll?
Return enrollment as soon as possible to ensure placement and to know courses.
What are class sizes?
They vary based on grade level; right now, 25-30 students at secondary and 20 students at elementary. Class sizes are also based on statewide caps that are similar to other brick and mortar sites.
When is the last date to enroll? What happens if you receive an acceptance message by phone? Do I need to sign an acceptance letter?
It depends on staffing. Please email us and we will give you the correct guidance.
Can we enroll now and, if a mask mandate goes into effect, go back to our home school?
Right now, we’ve been told that our enrollment is limited to trimesters and subject to space at schools.
How many students have chosen 279Online?
Approximately 1,000 K-12 students have chosen 279Online, although the specific number fluctuates. We currently have space but are uncertain of future resources.