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Consistent attendance is essential for children to learn and make progress. Parents/guardians are responsible for seeing that their children receive instruction in compliance with MN Statute 120A.22. The district’s expectation is that your children will attend school all day, every day that school is in session.

Reporting an absence

If your scholar will be absent, a parent/guardian must email and provide the scholar's first and last name, grade, and the absence reason. If you need to call instead, please call the attendance line (763) 391-8670, wait for the prompt, and then press 1.

If you need to report your scholar’s absence and speak a language other than English, please email in your language and label your message with the name of the language. We will translate your message and record the absence.

Student expectations

  • Attend five days each week; school day is from 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m.
  • Check in with each scheduled teacher (via Google Meet, email, Schoology message, Seesaw or Google Chat) during the class period in which you are scheduled.
  • Complete assignments, collaborate with classmates, and take risks with your learning.
  • Students who are unable to attend school must have their parent/guardian notify 279Online of the absence. Unaccounted for absences will be marked as unexcused.

School expectations

  • Attendance phone calls will be made to a) notify parents/guardians that their child was absent the previous day, and b) remind students that school is in session.
  • The attendance team will make efforts to connect with students who have extended absences.